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Cookie Policy

I. About Cookies


What are Cookies? A cookie is a technology for remembering something about you as our user. Cookies are small text files with information which are stored on your access device.

Without cookies, every website and every app is simply losing its memory every time you visit a new page or open up the app again. It doesn’t remember who you are and what you did or what you like. Without this memory we, for example, can’t log you in as we forgot who you are. Or we can’t show you the rights language settings because we don’t know where you are coming from. So all these useful functionalities which makes DSTMUN's website so enjoyable wouldn’t be possible.

But not using cookies also means that you can’t be tracked. Some websites use cookies to remember what you do on their website, and to target ads at you. That sounds bad but as cookies also remember what you like there will be no advertising - or at least less advertising - that you’re not interested in. Another scenario is that cookies will be used to know which of our marketing partners send you to us. If you click on a DSTMUN ad on another website, this website uses cookies to let us know that you’re coming from them.

Cookies aren’t automatically good or bad, but it’s worth understanding what you can do about them and to take your own decision on your data.


II. What types of cookies exist?


Some of the Cookies used by us will be automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of your browser session (Session Cookies). We also use Cookies which remain on your hard drive for a certain period after the end of your browser session (Persistent Cookies). Then on your next visit, the country and language you selected on your last visit to our Website will immediately be recognised. These Persistent Cookies will be stored on your hard drive and deleted by the browser after the prescribed period. These Cookies may also include Cookies from third-party providers (Third-Party Cookies).


III. Your decision


What will you be asked to decide about and when?

When you’re visiting our Website or our WebApp and when you’re installing our app, you’ll be asked if you agree on the usage of cookies in order to track from whom of our partners you were sent to us and in order to show relevant information to you. You need to actively respond to that question in order to activate these cookies.


IV. Which cookies are covered by your consent?

We are only asking for your consent to use marketing cookies. Cookies that enable us to improve the functionality and security of our Website are necessary to provide you with the product the world loves to use. We assume that you want us to remember you at your next login. We assume you want us to show you our website in the language you understand. 


V. Which cookies can we use without your consent?


The usage of cookies which ensure the functionality and security of our Website is justified in accordance with Art. 6 (1) GDPR, which is why your explicit consent for using those cookies is not necessary. That is because for the usage of cookies that ensure the functionality and security of our products we can assume that it is also in your interest that our Website is protected against breakdowns or damages, that could impair the confidentiality of your data. Due to the usage of those cookies we can e.g. analyse the cause of the disfunction or avoid that the authenticity of your data will be impaired by e.g. spreading harmful program codes by unauthorised persons.


VI. What kind of data is collected that is necessary for a safe and efficient product?


As explained under III. above, we are automatically using cookies which are necessary for the functionality and security of our product and are not asking for your consent. Thereby we are collecting the following data:

  • IP address

  • Date and time of the request

  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

  • Content of the request (specific page)

  • Access status/http status code

  • Volume of data transferred

  • Website (from which the request comes)

  • Information of the Browser

  • Information of Operating system (e.g. version or producer)

  • Information of the device

  • Language and version of the browser software

  • Referrer (the last visited website, if available)


VII. How can you revoke your consent?


You have the right to revoke your consent to use marketing cookies at any time. If you do so, we will not process your data for these purposes anymore. The data processing that has been performed until receipt of your revocation stays legitimate. For your revocation there is no specific formal requirement. To change your Cookie Settings please find the section “Update Cookie Settings” on the bottom of our website.

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